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Tré Rautttré bláttTré Gult

Þessa trjámyndaseríu málaði ég 1998. Textabrotin spruttu svo út frá myndunum. Myndirnar eru 70x70 cm og málaðar með olíu. Því miður varð ég að nota ensku þýðinguna en vona að það komi ekki að sök.

"So I go back home and I am under a spell. I experience that I am a tree with roots that go deep into the earth and with a huge leaf crown. I grow from my home, even when I go to work my roots are at home but I try to spread my branches as far as I can. My children are sitting in my branches, they play, sing, hang, climb and fall and I respond to it all. When the heat becomes to much they crawl under my branches and cool down in my shadow. When the wind is strong and rain comes they crawl under my branches and find shelter and I feel that I am useful and that I am a good tree."

"In the Greek myths there were powerful and strong Goddesses with unlimited energy to create. They did things their way and didn't let anyone, not the Gods or Kings tell them what to do or how to be. But the Gods and Kings did not like that, so they put a spell on the Goddesses and changed them into trees and they had to stand at the same place for century's and couldn't move at all until the Gods decided to free them, which was when it pleased them to do so."

"Is it not time that we cast away the spell and become participants in a world that has been without us for to long? I can feel somewhere deep inside my tree there is a Goddess about to awake from her long sleep, and God help the Kings when she rips up her roots and shakes her leaves and walks into the world in all her glory, coming to stand powerfully in her rightful place."


Kveðja, Katrín



Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir
Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir

 Maddama kerling fröken frú Katrín Snæhólm. Hef áhuga á öllu milli himins og jarðar og telst þá hvoru tveggja með. Himinn og jörð.










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