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Von og bjartsýni

 Fyrir nokkrum dögum fann ég þennan link á síðu Neale Donald Walsch www.nealedonaldwalsch.com og í morgun þegar ég var að skoða hana rakst ég á eftirfarandi og hef ákveðið að vera í Birmingham þann 10 apríl og fá að vita allt um þetta frábæra framtak Humanity´s team!!!! Sé alveg fyrir mér að taka þátt í hreyfingu sem hefur titilinn...Around the world in oneness og hvatningu Gandihs.."Be the changes you want to see"

Vona að þetta bréf sem é eftir fer gefi ykkur eins mikla von og bjartsýni og það gaf mér þegar ég las það. Það er nefninlega svo margt frábært að gerast í henni veröld og fullt af fólki þarna úti sem er alveg eins og ég og þú sem vill sjá betri og mannvænlegri heim.Og er tilbúið að láta gott af sér leiða.


My Dear Friends…

I am so happy to tell you that I am going off on a WORLD TOUR to tell people everywhere about Humanity’s Team! We are launching a global Civil Rights Movement for the Soul, freeing humanity at last from the oppression of its beliefs in a violent, angry, vindictive, and exclusive God.

Fulfilling the promise of an idea first expressed in the CWG book Tomorrow's God, Humanity's Team is a spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and implement one profoundly simple belief: We Are All One. We know that if we come from this place of mind, we can create the compassionate and sustainable world for which we have so long yearned – a world we will be happy to leave to our children. This idea has already inspired over 15,000 teammates in more than 90 countries on six continents.

Last year the Humanity's Team Global Council met in Kyoto, Japan and we decided to create the first Humanity's Team World Tour, titled Around the World in Oneness, as an exciting announcement to people everywhere that Humanity's Team is moving to the next level in its global activities.  I wanted to travel across the globe to personally ask people to accept Gandhi's famous invitation to "be the change you wish to see."  The goal of Humanity’s Team is to raise group consciousness everywhere, in a hundred different ways.

On this World Tour I will be stopping on many continents and participating in events in major cities of 10 countries.  Each event will be as unique as the city in which it is celebrated.  Our idea is that if people everywhere can recognize that we are all part of the same Team, we may begin to play the game of life in a new way -- a way that promises mutual benefit, not mutual destruction.

Won’t you please participate in this global event with us? What we seek to create here is the harmony of the possible. There is so much disharmony right now in our world, yet I know this is not who we really are. Human beings seek harmony wherever they go. Yet they also yearn for leadership. And you can be part of providing it for them.

Please consider joining me at one location on this tour. It could make such a difference to us and to the world. The tour cities and dates follow...

The Humanity's Team 2007 World Tour

* NEW ZEALAND -- March 22-24, Auckland and Wellington
* JAPAN -- March 27, Tokyo
* PORTUGAL -- April 4, Estoril (Lisbon)
* MOLDOVA -- April 7, Chisinau
* ENGLAND -- April 10, Birmingham
* GERMANY -- April 12-13, Offenbach (Frankfurt)
* SOUTH AFRICA -- April 15, Pretoria
* ARGENTINA -- April 22-23, Buenos Aires
* UNITED STATES -- April 27-29, Atlanta
* CANADA -- April 29, Vancouver

Also, please consider supporting this tour with a small financial gift. Just $5 per person could make an extraordinary difference. For more information on times, locations, and ticket availabilities for these events, go to www.htworldtour.org. To make a timely and important contribution to this work, go to www.HumanitysTeam.com.

Thank you for being who you are – helping the world help itself.

                                                                                    You inspire me!

                                                                                    Neale Donald Walsch


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1 Smámynd: Vilborg Eggertsdóttir

Takk elsku Katrín mín fyrir að koma þessu á framfæri! - We are all One -

Vilborg Eggertsdóttir, 26.3.2007 kl. 13:07

2 Smámynd: Lúðvík Bjarnason

Ég væri til að mæta þarna! :)

Lúðvík Bjarnason, 26.3.2007 kl. 15:26

3 Smámynd: Steinunn Helga Sigurðardóttir

þetta hljómar alveg dásamlea, ætla að skoða þetta betur. það er svo mikið af góðu fólki í heiminum ! við getum þetta !!!

ljós til þín og takk


Steinunn Helga Sigurðardóttir, 27.3.2007 kl. 06:37

Bæta við athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.


Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir
Katrín Snæhólm Baldursdóttir

 Maddama kerling fröken frú Katrín Snæhólm. Hef áhuga á öllu milli himins og jarðar og telst þá hvoru tveggja með. Himinn og jörð.










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